Sylvia, Thank you for the quite detailed analysis of the Academic Salary line budgeted changes for FY 2007. I realize that these budget lines can include a multitude of sub-components, and that the varying flux of academic positions requires a careful comparison to be meaningful. I do appreciate knowing that the budgeted amount can be flexibly re-allocated according to campus/institute practice to non-Academic Salary operating costs, and I'm sure that the flexibility to do this is appreciated by the units. As you know, the UTK Faculty Senate has been carrying out a careful salary analysis for several years attempting to account for some of the issues you raised in order to provide comparable year-to-year results and appropriate comparisons to various peer group salaries. Our resulting analyses are in reports on the Senate Web site if you are interested, and these now include some additional comparisons from the versions you saw several years ago when you served on the Senate Budget Committee. I would be interested in your analysis of comparisons of temporal patterns in authorized positions. Given the enhanced demands associated with increased numbers of students of higher ability, the faculty are continually concerned about our capability to provide appropriate mentoring, and the data on tenured and tenure track faculty numbers (at UTK at least) indicate very little change over recent years. In part this arises because, even with new faculty lines, the number of faculty leaving (for various reasons, including competition from other institutions and retirements) may not be balanced by new hires. Your comment about allocations of new revenues and linking of budget adjustments to the university's strategic plan relates directly to the second question that we asked. Is it correct to interpret your response as implying that part of the differences in allocations to System units (as for example indicated in the table of differing percentage increases in the Academic Salary line) arises from decisions about priorities? If so, this implies that faculty at UTK need to demonstrate how additional resources can allow us to better meet the goals of the new strategic plan relative to our peers in other System units. Cheers, Lou 9/6/06 cc Senate Executive Committee Chancellor Crabtree