Maximization, Optimization and Evolution: Introductory notes on the use of calculus to solve maximization problems in biology. Louis J. Gross - Math 152 - University of Tennessee A central theme of the biological sciences is that organism characteristics (morphology, size, physiology, behavior, etc.) are shaped by the processes of natural selection. Organisms which have characteristics that enable them to better survive and reproduce (the jargon for this is that they are more "fit" but this has nothing necessarily to do with physical fitness in terms of how many push-ups they can do) are selected for. This means that over time, all else being held fixed, organisms with those characteristics will increase in frequency, IF such characteristics are heritable. Here, heritability means that the tendency to display such characteristics is possible to pass on to the organism's offspring. This is the evolutionary process driven by natural selection. In deducing this, Charles Darwin did not have a mechanism through which heritability occurs, but we now have the entire field of genetics which describes in great detail how organism characteristics are encoded in DNA and thus passed on to offspring. When this is combined with a process through which variation in characteristics among organisms occurs, brought about by genetic mutation and by recombination which reassorts genetic material, evolution proceeds. Evolution simply means that there are temporal (and spatial, when there are spatial differences in fitness across the planet) changes in the frequency of characteristics displayed by organisms. Thus, the key components of biological evolution are Selection, Variation, and Heritability. There are numerous other ways in which the term evolution is used in various scientific fields - in astronomy to describe the dynamics of stars through their lifespan, in mathematics to describe certain kinds of equations, in computational science to describe genetic algorithms and other computational procedures which mimic biological evolution. There are an enormous number of well-described situations in which it is posited that certain characteristics of organisms are observed because they are "adaptive" - that is, individuals having these characteristics have higher "fitness" - they are better able to survive and reproduce than organisms which do not have these characteristics. An example of a characteristic for which it is argued that it is adaptive is leaf size - it is a fact that in general desert plants have much smaller leaves than plants native to wetter conditions. There are very well-developed arguments for this based upon the trade-off between photosythetic carbon gain and water loss through transpiration. Indeed, there are entire photosynthetic pathways (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism or CAM), which have been shown to be beneficial under dry conditions - CAM is present in many species including desert cacti. For details on the physiological aspects of adaptation in plants, see Park Nobel's "Physicochemical and Environmental Plant Physiology" and for more about cacti see his "Cacti: Biology and Uses". The above implies that if we had a way to describe how fitness changes with different organism characteristics (e.g. how carbon gains versus water loss change as a function of leaf size), we would be able to describe the "best" characteristic by taking the derivative of the function, setting it equal to zero to find the critical points, and then finding the critical point (such as leaf size) that maximizes fitness. We could then compare this to observations under different environmental conditions and have an explanation for why we observe different leaf sizes under different conditions. This views evolution as a process of fitness maximization. The above approach is limited however, because "all else being held fixed" as mentioned above, may not hold. There are many constraints on the process of evolution which may reduce the utility of thinking of it as a simple calculus maximization problem. One of these is that there are physical and chemical constraints on organisms (e.g. large leaves require structures to maintain them in a position to absorb light, and these structures may not have the mechanical strength to hold up very large leaves - how many trees with a single large leaf have you seen - but this is one way of thinking about cacti). So the laws of physics constrain evolutionary processes and wonderful books on this topic are Steven Vogel's "Life's Devices" and "Cats' Paws and Catapults: Mechanical Worlds of Nature and People". Another constraint on evolutionary processes is history - the past constrains the types of characteristics it is possible to display. This induces constraints due to genetics as well. You should recall the simple population genetics models for changes in gene frequency due to selection derived when we discussed difference equation models. These models have been greatly elaborated to analyze situations in which the genetic variability within a population restricts the possibility that evolution pushes the frequency of characteristics to be where an overall "peak" in fitness occurs. Such restrictions in part arise due to the interactions between organisms, so that selective forces depend upon the current frequencies of characteristics amongst the population (the jargon name for this is "frequency-dependent selection"). For readable descriptions of how historical processes constrain evolution, read Stephen Jay Gould's "The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History". Based on the above, evolution should generally be thought of, not as a simple maximization problem, but as an optimization problem. The term optimization here is used to mean that there is something being maximized (or minimized) but that there are constraints on this. In our course, we will only discuss examples in which the constraints limit the function describing the problem to a particular interval - we are restricting the domain over which we consider the function being maximized, and must compare the maximum inside this domain to the values of the function at the endpoints of the domain as well. There are much more complex types of constraints (and functions) that arise in biology, but the objective of this section is to point out the concept and how it may be applied. In many ways therefore, due to historical, genetic and physical constraints, it has been argued that evolution acts more as a "tinkerer" would than as an engineer would to design organism characteristics which are perfectly designed to meet environmental conditions. A very readable description of this view is in Francois Jacob's book "The Possible and the Actual". The text presents an example of the above view of evolutionary processes thought of in terms of optimization, by considering cardiovascular branching. The assumption in this example is that the branching of arteries within a circulatory system of a mammal arises due to processes which have led to the minimization of the resistance to flow between two points in the body. Thus the fitness function in this case is the resistance to blood flow, which is minimized, corresponding to maximizing the total flow between two points. The constraints are the limitations on sizes of the arteries and the physics of flow in "pipes". We proceed by analyzing the branching angle which minimizes resistance to flow, and then comparing the resulting answer to data. If the results are consistent with observations of branching angles in circulatory systems, this provides evidence that structure of the circulatory system has arisen to meet this "fitness" criteria, but is not proof that other processes are not operating as well to affect branching angles. Copyright 2005 - do not reproduce or modify without author's permission.