Comparison of CEO Pay with Athletic Coaches Pay

This analysis was carried out by Dr. Louis J. Gross, Chancellor's Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

This page includes links to data files associated with my analysis of CEO pay for the 20 highest paid CEOs of public corporations with over $1B in annual revenue, as compared to their company total revenue, as well as data files for the 20 highest paid university football coaches and 20 highest paid university men's basketball coaches, as compared to the revenue generated by their sports teams. For comparison, a data file also includes the lowest paid 20 CEOs out of the highest 200 paid CEOs. The data on CEO Pay for 2018 is from The New York Times, May 26, 2019, Business Section, Pages 5-6, with online version. The data on company revenue is taken from the various company pages at under the Statistics section, Income statement. Data on the total pay for 2018-2019 of the highest 20 paid men's basketball coaches is from USA Today NCAA Basketball Salaries listing. Data on the total pay for 2018-2019 of the highest 20 paid football coaches is from USA Today NCAA Football Salaries listing. Data on the revenues of football and basketball were obtained from US Department of Education EADA using the pages for each educational institution and using the Revenue and Expenses tab to obtain the Total Revenues for football and men's basketball (data are for the reporting year of July 2017 to June 2018). The data files include the calculation of the CEO pay as a fraction of total company revenue and the coaches pay as a fraction of total team revenue. Note that in these data there is no indication that either CEO pay or Head Coach pay increases with company or team revenue.

Data Files

Top 20 CEO Pay and Company Revenue (.xlsx file)

Lowest 20 CEO Pay and Company Revenue from listing of Highest 200 paid CEOs (.xlsx file)

Top 20 paid Football Coaches and Team Revenue (.xlsx file)

Top 20 paid Men's Basketball Coaches and Team Revenue (.xlsx file)

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Last Modified: June 10, 2019