Questions for President Boyd from UTK Senate - April 2022 UFC Meeting One question I have concerns federal congressional earmarks given that Tennessee is near the bottom of the funding provided this year (the New York Times recently published an analysis of this). This is the first these earmarks have returned in several years and I don’t know if there is a System policy on whether to encourage the State congressional delegation to seekj earmarks or not. I ask because evidently there are now earmarks being provided directly to universities including a $50M endowment to Univ of Alabama to attract faculty – see A second question concerns analysis of the System-wide data on tenure track faculty numbers as compared to non-tenure track. I think we were told the Board would be looking at this but I don’t know fi the data have been collected to show any historical trends such as those we have seen at UTK and UTHSC. Finally, I continue to get questions about the perception that there has been continuing increases in administrative positions while tenured faculty numbers have not grown and student enrollment has grown. Are there data System-wide on changes in numbers of administrators?