Questions for President Boyd from UTK Senate - December 2021 UFC Meeting 1. Can you elaborate a bit on how you suggest faculty across the various campuses might best interface with the UTIA extension faculty and staff to enhance the reach of the expertise and outreach capabilities of the various campuses across the State? In particular are there certain initiatives being planned by the System to support/enhance such connections, including for example efforts to expend the One Health initiative at UTK to “One Health for Tennessee”? 2. Are there any planned System-wide initiatives to grow the learner populations (e.g. formal students as well as online, workforce training short-term programs, etc.) and both attract more TN students to UT as well as out of state ones? 3. Given the discussion about mental health concerns, what can you tell us about how other Systems are dealing with these challenges and what might we encourage our various faculty to do to assist, given that we are mostly not train=ed as counselors?