Math 151 - Fall 2015

Matlab Files Discussed in Class

August 31, 2015: Leaf Data Analysis and Regression

leafstat.dat - Matlab data file for leaf size data used in leafanalysis.m

leafanalysis.m - Matlab .m file for leaf size analysis

September 2, 2015: Analysis of Norway World War II data on Fat Intake and Circulatory Disease

fatdead.dat - Matlab data file for Norway fat intake and mortality used in fatanalysis.m

fatanalysis.m - Matlab .m file for fat intake vs. heart disease death analysis

September 3, 2015: Analysis of Mauna Loa CO2 data

CO2 data from Mauna Loa as Excel file

analysingplottingmonthlyco2data.txt - Text file describing analysis of CO2 data including how to read into and edit in Matlab to create plots of monthly data and yearly data and data files for use in co2p0rojections.m

co2projection.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of Mauna Loa CO2 yearly average data including correlation and regression

co2datyearly.txt - Sample data file for analysis of Mauna Loa CO2 data yearly from 1960-1980 that could be used as input in co2projection.m

September 3, 2015: Regression lines - illustrating differences of regession lines for x vs. y as compared to y vs. x

correlat.mat - Input Matlab data file for use in linearregressionorder.m

linearregressionorder.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of two data sets in the correlat.mat file illustrating different linear regressions depending upon the order of independent vs. dependent variable

September 10, 2015: Semilog and LogLog Regression lines

semilog.dat - Input Matlab data file for use in plotsemilog.m

plotsemilog.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of the data set in the semilog.dat file illustrating semilog regression

loglog.dat - Input Matlab data file for use in plotloglog.m

plotloglog.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of the data set in the loglog.dat file illustrating log-log regression

October 19, 2015: - Leslie Population analysis

LesliePopulationTable.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of population time series using a Leslie matrix population model producing a table of results over time

LesliePopulationPlot.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of population time series using a Leslie matrix population model producing a plot of results over time

October 21, 2015: Comparing Population growth - Total Population Growth and percapita growth rates

LesliePopGrowthRate.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of population growth rates using a Leslie matrix population model

LeslieFecundity.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of population growth using a Leslie matrix population model and varying fecundities

October 27, 2015: Matlab code similar to what is needed for Project 4

LeslieFecundityV2.m - Matlab .m file for analysis of population growth using a Leslie matrix population model and varying fecundities - this is version 2 that accounts for the possibility the dominant eigenvalue may not be listed first when running eig

November 2, 2015: Files for various probability simulations and calculations

coinflips(N) - Matlab .m function file to count how many flips of a fair coin are Heads and tails when the coin is flipped N times

ProbHeadFlip.m - Matlab .m file to compute probability of flipping a head when you repeat 1000 coin flips 10000 times

binomial.m - Matlab .m file to simulate a binomial distribution - you are prompted to supply the number of tosses to make, the number of simulations to run, and the probability of a head.

OneChild.m - Matlab .m function file to simulate the genotype of one child from a mating of two individuals with genotypes you specify - so OneChild(mom,dad) will produce a single digit (1, 2, or 3) for the three possible offspring genotypes from a one-locus two-allele mating where for mom and dada you use 1 for heterozygous, Aa or aA, 2 for homozygous dominant, AA and 3 for homozygous recessive, aa. Output is one of these digits for the child genotype.

November 18, 2015: Sample file to assist in doing Matlab Project #5

Project5Sample.m - Matlab .m file as an example of how to code the Project #5 on random variation in Adult Fecundity for the Bison matrix projection model - for part 2 of the project

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