Math 152 - Spring 2016
Mathematics for the Life Sciences II

Course Materials

NOTICE: Expectations Prior to the First Class meeting:
  (i) Download and install MATLAB on your computer (See syllabus for links on how to do the install);
  (ii) Read Chapter 15 of the Textbook and look at the assignment for the first class day.

Offices and Office Hours
   Louis Gross: Office is 401B Austin Peay and Office Hours are Mondays 11-1 and Wednesdays 11-12:15, with other hours by appointment. Email Dr. Gross to make an appointment.
   Athmanathan Senthilnathan (Teaching Assistant for all course sections): Office is 403A Austin Peay and Office Hours are Thursday 1-3PM, with other hours by appointment. Email to make an appointment.

   Assignment 1 - Chapter 15 exercises (Due January 19)
   Assignment 2 - Chapter 16 exercises (Due January 26)
   Assignment 3 - Chapter 17 exercises (Due February 2)

In-class Group Assignments
   Group Assignment 1 - January 25
   Group Assignment 2 - January 27
   Group Assignment 3 - February 1

Photos of whiteboards from classes
   Link to Photos

Online Chats
   Chat on January 26, 2016
   Chat on January 27, 2016

   OIT Software Distribution site (To download and install MATLAB)
   MATLAB Tutorial site
   MATLAB .m Files used in the Textbook
   Tutorial Videos about MATLAB
   Matlab files discussed in class

Tutorial help
   Math Department Tutorial Center
   Office of Disability Services with detailed information on services available to students with disabilities

Web resources related to mathematics and biology

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