The initial topic this seminar will be applications of integrodifference equations in ecology and we will start off by going through an introductory overview and then
reading through some of the recent book "Integrodifference Equations in Spatial Ecology" by Frithjof Lutscher. We will also be reading some papers of particular interest to participants and cover some topics that have not been covered in other courses in mathematical biology.
The objective of this one-credit-hour seminar is to provide an overview of mathematics and modeling using some alternative methods to account for the spatial heterogeneity of ecological systems. The use of integrodifference equation methods is a relatively recent endeavor to analyze key questions such as how spatial variability impacts population and community structure, circumstances for which incorporation of spatial factors modifies the long-term behavior of natural systems, and how consideration of spatial variation in management methods may provide more effective means to control spatially-distributed ecological systems. The focus of this portion of the seminar will be is on the underlying conceptual and modeling issues, with the underlying mathematical ideas. Participants are invited to suggest particular topics that expand on this to consider issues associated with spatial data, statistics, and other approaches to account for the spatial aspects of natural systems.
This seminar will proceed, following a couple of introductory sessions by the instructor, to have sessions led by participants. All registered students are expected to give a presentation either on one of the topics from the text used for the beginning of the semester, or on a topic related to the research interests of the participants.
This course is offered online synchronously and the course meeting time is 4:30-5:20PM on Tuesdays, starting January 26.
We will use Zoom for class meetings and will share documents using the Basecamp group for the seminar. In addition to attending class, registered participants are expected to share their understanding of the topic they have chosen.
Slides from presentations:
Slides of introduction to spatial modeling in ecology from Presentation on January 26, 2021 (.pptx file)