Zhivotovsky L.A. and Gavrilets, S. 1992. ``Quantitative variability and multilocus polymorphism under stabilizing selection.'' Theoretical Population Biology 42: 254-283.
We study multilocus polymorphism under selection, using a class of
fitness functions that account for additive, dominant, and pairwise
additive-by-additive epistatic interactions. The dynamic equations are
derived in terms of allele frequencies and disequilibria, using the notions
of marginal systems and marginal fitnesses, without any approximations.
Stationary values of allele frequencies and pairwise disequilibria under
weak selection are calculated by regular perturbation techniques. We derive
conditions for existence and stability of the multilocus polymorphic
states. Using these results, we then analyze a number of models describing
stabilizing selection on additive characters, with some other factors, and
determine the conditions under which genetic quantitative variability is